Botox is a drug that weakens or paralyzes muscle. In small doses, it can reduce and prevent skin wrinkles and help treat some medical conditions. Botox is a protein made from Botulinum toxin, which the bacterium Clostridium botulinum produces. This is the same toxin that causes Botulism. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have approved it as a treatment for various health issues, including eyelid spasms, excessive sweating, some bladder disorders, and migraine.

Botox is a drug made from a toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. Doctors use it in small doses to treat health problems, including:

  • Temporary smoothing of facial wrinkles and improving your appearance

  • Severe underarm sweating

  • Cervical dystonia - a neurological disorder that causes severe neck and shoulder muscle contractions

  • Blepharospasm - uncontrollable blinking

  • Strabismus - misaligned eyes

  • Chronic migraine

  • Overactive bladder

Botox injections block certain chemical signals from nerves, mostly signals that cause muscles to contract. The most common use of these injections is to temporarily relax the facial muscles that cause wrinkles in the forehead and around the eyes. Botox injections are also used to treat conditions that affect how the body functions.


  • Cervical Dystonia - In this painful condition, your neck muscles contract involuntarily causing your head to twist or turn into an uncomfortable position.

  • Lazy Eye - The most common cause of lazy eye is an imbalance in the muscles responsible for positioning the eye.

  • Muscle Contractures - Some neurological conditions, such as cerebral palsy, can cause your limbs to pull in toward your center. In some cases, these contracted muscles can be relaxed with Botox injections.

  • Hyperhidrosis - In this condition, excessive sweating occurs even when the temperature isn't hot and you're not exerting yourself.

  • Chronic Migraine - If you experience migraines more than 15 days a month, Botox injections may help reduce headache frequency.

  • Bladder Dysfunction - Botox injections can also help reduce urinary incontinence caused by an overactive bladder.

  • Eye Twitching - Botox injections may help relieve contracture or twitching of muscles around the eye.


You may have some temporary side effects after a Botox injection. These could include:

  • Bruising. This is the most common side effect and will go away.

  • Headaches. Typically, these are rare and end in 24 to 48 hours.

  • Eyelid drooping. This happens with only a small percentage of people and usually goes away within 3 weeks. It usually happens when the Botox moves around, so don't rub the treated area.

  • Crooked smile or drooling

  • Eye dryness or severe tearing

  • Mild pain or swelling around the injection site

  • Flu-like symptoms or a general unwell feeling

  • Upset stomach

  • Numbness

  • Weakness in nearby muscles


These are recommended units. Recommended units do not guarantee satisfactory results as every individual’s metabolism is different. Some client might require more units to reach satisfactory results. This guide shows the MINIMUM amount of units for each area.