
What is a Chemical Peel? 

A Chemical Peel is an anti-aging treatment with a host of benefits that include exfoliation, but it also builds collagen, reduces fine lines and wrinkles, boosts radiance, shrinks pore size, diminishes dark spots, clears the complexion, and can even help with rosacea. A chemical peel is a form of exfoliation that uses a chemical solution to remove dead skin cells from the top layer of skin. Treatment time for a chemical peel can take up to 30 minutes and the peeling process can last anywhere from three to five days after. During the peeling process, the dead skin cells shed or flake off, eventually revealing fresh, new skin underneath.

We offer: Glycolic Peel, Luminous Lactic Peel, TCA/Jessner Luminous, PCA Sensi Peel, PCA Ultra Peel
Not sure which one to choose? Call 212 339 3993, make an appointment, and consult with our esthetician!

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